Contact Kim

Contact Kim at Vancouver Island View.

Are you a local searching for something to do?

Don’t be shy. Contact us via email with your inquiry!

Would you like to advertise on our site? 

Do you have a local business that needs more exposure?

Head over to our Work with Me page to find out how I can help. Or, send us an email with more information.

Are you planning a trip to Vancouver Island?

Send us your inquiry via email, and we will do our best to help you in any way we can with your Vancouver Island travel plans.

Is there something you'd like me to write about?

Let us know if you don't find what you want while using the search bar. (Try it, though, because it really does work!)

Perhaps I haven't written about a location yet, but I need to! Let me know by sending an email.

No matter your inquiry, contact us via email, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Send me a message: Kim (at symbol) (all one word).